Monday, September 30, 2013

Taking a Break

And so it has come to be, where I have arrived at a place in my life where it would be best for me to let go of all the business baggage that has, unforeseen, become an energy drainer, keeping me from doing what I once was able to do effortlessly.

It's curious how this has come to be - so gradually overtime, even unnoticed for the most part, until before I knew it (or was it until I paid attention?), my easy ability to paint passionately, and for myself, without any regard for the business side of it all, is no longer. I've tried scheduling in studio time, painting in the studio I love, but despite this attempt the passion has not reemerged and the arguing with the inner voice continues.

Thus, the following list is the business baggage I am going to take a break from. For by doing so, I will be accepting and embracing the path I am on right now. It is what I want to follow as it is where I will find my ability to tap into the energy of creative expression; to get back to what is in my heart, to the ability to paint for myself, to enjoy the process so much so, I lose all sense of time, myself, and the world around me.

This path is a hiatus if you will, but nothing takes forever  :)
So until next time, take good care - xo

And without further ado, as of September 30, 2013, I am giving myself permission to officially take a break from:
  1. Writing and sending out my e-news,
  2. posting on my blog,
  3. facebook,
  4. plus any other social media I haven't done.
  5. Applications and calls for art,
  6. dates, deadlines,
  7. lists of must dos and to dos,
  8. not to mention anything & everything else I haven't yet thought of in relation to.
  9. What my tax accountant will think of next year when he sees my income for this year,
  10. and what other people will think:
    1. when they look at my new work, 
    2. look at my old work, 
    3. when I'm not applying for shows or working towards shows or in shows, 
    4. if I'm not painting every day or every other day or every week, 
    5. if I'm not marketing or sharing any of my artistic thoughts, inspirations, ideas, progresses with anyone or everyone, through social media or not.
  11. Worrying about what's going to happen to the people who are on my mailing lists during this hiatus 
  12. and worrying about what to do with all of the artwork I've created.
  13. In general, any obligations and expectations that weigh upon my shoulders and fill up my head.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Over-the-Top Imagination

My summer read came to me in the airport bookstore while our flight was delayed. It had been a very long time since I had the pleasure of perusing through the recent arrivals in the bookstore and so I enjoyed the unexpected time and soaked up the words around me. Out of three books I wanted to read right then and there, one did accompany me out of the store and onto the plane.

"The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in 
a Ship of her own Making"

I feel in love with each wonderful visual that came to my mind as I read page after page. And because I was so delighted in this so very over-the-top imaginary story, I marked the selected page of inspiration with a turned  corner, either up or down, depending on where on the page my mind was caught. 

The other night before I went to bed, I went back through the recently finished book; back to those turned corner pages. I wanted to catalog those specific sentences or phrases so that I could enjoy these favorites a while longer, outside of the boundaries of the book.  I feel these phrases or sentences, in and of themselves, are a wonderful story all on their own! I find they conjure up such a strong image by themselves they aren't in need or in want of a supporting cast of additional words...... So with pen and paper in hand I wrote down the following:
  1. "Several small clouds skipped huffily out of their path."
  2. "A girl in want of a Leopard still has her feet."
  3. "She folded up the stirring very carefully and put it away at the bottom of her mind."
  4. "....a cauldron full of tomorrow."
  5. "The sun hitched up her trousers and soldiered on up into the sky."
  6. "...grief pack away for the duration of a bath."
  7. "....the ears of folk with legs and noses and eyebrows are not made to hearken to the weeping of those with inseams and button holes and lapels."
  8. "...past a moon like a bony knee."
  9. "...the movers of our tales."
  10. "...good grief and all gallows!"
  11. "....nothing but string and time."
Aren't these delightful? Which is your favorite?  I would love to know if you have one!

P.S. on the link above, you must watch the "trailer" at the bottom of the page. It does an excellent job of giving one the flavor of the story - not to mention share with you the talents of the illustrator.  :)