Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year to All!

And so it is the 2nd day of the New Year and I can't help but wonder what is in store in the months ahead. Curiosity has struck and I am feeling there are possibilities and potentials out there waiting for discovery.  I'm excited to have this feeling!

So last year I started the year off with resolutions... And how did I do with these over the past 12 months, you ask? There are many I touched upon and a few I didn't. And it's okay I tell myself if I didn't accomplish all that I set out to do. Because in their place there were many more experiences I wouldn't have imagined near a year ago that I was able to participate in. Isn't that what life is really all about?  I kinda think so. Not to control, but instead to live in the moment and allow what is meant to be to be.

It's very much like how I approach a painting! So will I set new resolutions for 2011? I like that I put out into the Universe the ideas and deadlines (per say) I'd like to accomplish, but really it's all a lot more fulfilling to be in/to live in the process and not just for the end result. That is really what it is all about.

So I wish you, my reader, a very joy and process-filled year ahead. May it be luxurious in ideas and living in the moments!

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