Monday, June 24, 2013

Say what your soul needs to say

I occasionally follow/read the words spoken by Danielle LaPorte, whom I came across a year or so ago. I originally fell in love with her blunt, say-it-like-it is approach to life and signed up to receive her "truthbombs" - I signed up for these to arrive in my inbox a few times a week. Some days I skip over them as they are unwanted. Some days they just don't hit home. But other days, the message, story or phrase will make perfect sense or give me an answer I wasn't aware that I was wanting. The latter of these keeps me coming back for more and holds me back from unsubscribing entirely.

This morning greeted me with the narrative titled, "Drama at the cafe...a tale of self expression". As you know (or perhaps you don't?), I love titles and was snagged. I took the time it took to read her story and was taken in with the moral of it all, "say what your soul needs to say".

How often, when I'm at home, and I have time, do I fret and worry about what to do with this free time. If I just instead ask myself "what does my soul need to say?", it might just be the kick-in-the-pants and self-love I need to pick up the paintbrush.....