Tuesday, December 11, 2012


October's posts were nearly all about the process of learning how to paint abstractly. I do realize by skipping ahead and sharing the end results below, you will not see each painting's process spelled out (as I haven't (and truthfully am no longer inspired to) continued what I started then, posting each day's experience).....  Perhaps you, yourself, can instead connect what you see below with what was in earlier posts?

So without further ado, please let me introduce my latest body of artistic exploration, oils on canvas: 


A Seesaw with Inchworm

Dance of the Fireflies

Warthog and the Volcano

String Being


I'm looking forward to taking what I learned throughout and continuing on my own for the time being. I definitely am planning on taking her class again for a refresher and/or when I find I'm in need of a bit more of something. As always, stay tuned  :)

Changing up the Studio

It's been a whirlwind this last month - Art Attack, Costa Rica, Thanksgiving and the move of my studio from NE Minneapolis to my home.  The latter event started a couple of months ago when I decided (with the help of the following): 
  1. No decision is a permanent one (who knows what the future will bring!),
  2.  "A life lived in fear is a life half lived."(one of my favorite quotes), 
  3. and deciding what I didn't want in my life anymore (a studio outside of my home (studio)), 
to take the leap out of the commitment of having a studio outside of my home and gave notice. Yes, it was nerve-racking leading up to the decision, and at times I couldn't help but second-guess it all after my verbal notice. But now I'm thrilled with this new direction (and so inspired by it!) and am in the happy midst of consolidating, organizing and going through all that I brought home.

Glorious drawers waiting for attention

Somewhat in place and ready