October's posts were nearly all about the process of learning how to paint abstractly. I do realize by skipping ahead and sharing the end results below, you will not see each painting's process spelled out (as I haven't (and truthfully am no longer inspired to) continued what I started then, posting each day's experience)..... Perhaps you, yourself, can instead connect what you see below with what was in earlier posts?
So without further ado, please let me introduce my latest body of artistic exploration, oils on canvas:
Hopscotch |
A Seesaw with Inchworm |
Dance of the Fireflies |
Warthog and the Volcano |
String Being |
Blossom |
I'm looking forward to taking what I learned throughout and continuing on my own for the time being. I definitely am planning on taking her class again for a refresher and/or when I find I'm in need of a bit more of something. As always, stay tuned :)